Monday, December 17, 2007

When the County Decides There Is a Need to Expand Highway 29...

From the Community Impact Newspaper December, 2007...

In October, county commissioners Valerie Covey and Cynthia Long began looking at how much right-of-way might be needed to expand Hwy. 29 west from the intersection of D.B. Wood to the Burnet County line.

“We are planning ahead so development does not build up to the side of the road and there is room to grow when we need it,” Williamson County spokeswoman Connie Watson said.

An engineering firm has been hired and will begin work to determine how much right-of-way is needed and where. They will study 1,000 feet adjacent to the roadway to look at the impact the expansion will have on the environment. After the amount needed is determined, the county will proceed using the following steps to acquire the land needed for right-of-way.


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