Monday, December 17, 2007

Hutto: Fastest-Growing City in the State

From the Community Impact Newspaper December, 2007...

When former Hutto mayor and long-time resident Mike Fowler arrived in Hutto 30 years ago, the town had a population of 500. There were no stoplights or stop signs and just one school, now known as the “old middle school.” The gin and grain co-ops were flourishing. City business was often conducted on butcher paper at the only grocery store/meat market, which then-mayor Ed Schmidt ran.

“When I moved here, there was very little in the way of services, very few things that you could do,” Fowler said. “It was a very small rural community that had a lot of great people and character associated with it.”

Today Hutto has numerous stoplights and stop signs and six schools. The co-ops, long-since closed, might reopen for more applicable uses.


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