Friday, May 8, 2009

Central Texas transportation agencies are adjusting their vision

From Impact News, May8, 2009...

Central Texas transportation agencies are adjusting their long-range planning strategies this year to reflect the needs of a region that has been reshaped by rapid growth and accelerated economic development. As Austin and its surrounding communities have become increasingly interconnected over the last decade, agency leaders are working to create systems that will enhance urban mobility and support an emergent commuter population.

The quick pace of growth presents challenges for the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and other agencies as traffic congestion builds steadily each year, said CTRMA Executive Director Mike Heiligenstein.

“Our transportation model has changed radically over the last 10 years,” he said. “Right now we’re in one of those evolutionary phases of transportation where it’s really hard to get anything put on the ground without a lot of funding mechanisms.”


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