Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Campaign encourages residents, businesses to improve air quality

From Round Rock City News, April 29, 2009...

On Monday, April 20, area elected officials including Mayor Alan McGraw, Williamson County Commissioners Lisa Birkman, Precinct 1, and Valerie Covey, Precinct 3, participated in a rally at the state Capitol in support of the region’s “Big Push” initiative to remain in compliance with federal health-based standards for ground-level ozone, commonly known as smog.

The rally celebrated the unveiling of an exciting, region-wide public awareness campaign, “Ozone Action Heroes,” that empowers, educates and encourages residents and businesses to join the growing force to improve our air quality. By committing to at least three simple, yet heroic, actions such as refueling after 6 p.m., checking tire pressure and turning off the lights, we will win the battle against air pollution.


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